

Help build the community with us!

Either apply to become a
Community Moderator   →

Community moderators enforce community guidelines, monitor conversations, and take action against rule violations. They facilitate discussions, assist newcomers, and mediate conflicts to create a welcoming and inclusive community atmosphere. A community moderator is a role model for all the members in the server.

They actively monitor various channels, including text and voice, to keep an eye on conversations and identify any instances of inappropriate behavior, harassment, or spam. When rule violations occur, they will take appropriate actions, such as issuing warnings, muting offenders, or, in severe cases, banning them from the community. It's important to be fair and consistent in your enforcement while considering the context and intent behind members' actions.

Or if moderation is not your
forte, apply to become a
Manager →

A community manager oversees the overall organization & engagement of the community. They also handle user management, enforce rules, moderate discussions, and address any issues or conflicts that may arise. In addition, server managers may customize the server's appearance, implement bots or integrations, and collaborate with other staff members to enhance the server's functionality and user experience.

They are also involved in managing events and fostering community partnerships. They play a crucial role in organizing and coordinating various events within the server

And if you believe there are other ways in which you can contribute to the community →

If you believe there are other ways in which you can contribute to our community, we warmly encourage you to share your ideas and suggestions. We value the diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives that our members bring, and we are open to exploring new avenues for growth and improvement. Your unique contributions can help us further enhance our community and create a more enriching experience for everyone involved. Please feel free to share your thoughts on how you can make a positive impact and actively shape the future of our community.